出版社 : 浙江出版集团数字传媒有限公司; 第1版 (2018年1月27日)
出版日期 : 2018年1月27日
品牌 : Fiberead·浙版数媒
语言 : 简体中文
文件大小 : 678 KB
This book really hit a note with me. The sections on love and work in particular. I recently made the decision to leave a long term relationship and at more or less the same time I was made redundant from a 15-year long job. This was not a problem for me and I saw it as a blessing in disguise really (unlike most of my ex-colleagues who were horrified at how easy I was taking it). It was the right time for me in both circumstances. This book really reinforced the thought that I made the right décisions! It has given me increased confidence in my skills, in my work, and in my life choices as a woman. A HUGE thank you.